division head
- 部门负责人

Items from the storeroom can not be issued without approval of division head . Requisition must be available for the checking by Finance representative from time to time .
If S & P is spun off , Peterson would suddenly rise from respected division head to the chief executive of a standalone , influential , and highly profitable Wall Street firm .
Dear Annie : I 'm in charge of a product development team at a Fortune 500 company , and right now the division head and I are setting a couple of big goals for 2015 , especially regarding products we want to roll out by mid-year .
According to the theory of micro-division of labor , this paper points out an important trend that there is a division between head and body industries in economic globalization era .
Having analyzed the GAF algorithm , in line with the practical project , this paper has concentrated on and put improvements in the following four aspects : region division , head nodes election , confirmation of head notes and the re-division of virtual region .
John Havens , the division 's head since March , has told senior managers that a large part of their bonuses will depend on how well they interact with colleagues from other parts of the securities business during meetings of the division 's management committee .
A histochemical observation on the segment division of the head and body of mouse epididymis